Get to know: District 1 - Northwest


Commonly referred to as The Richmond District, District 1 is primarily a residential area sandwiched between the Presidio and Golden Gate Parks. Adjacent to Ocean Beach, Richmond District residents have access to a wide array of outdoor activities and fascinating historical sites. This prosperous area is filled with stunning Victorian, Edwardian, and Marina style architecture and is considered by many to be one of the most desirable areas in San Francisco. The Lake Street and Sea Cliff neighborhoods are filled with Victorian and Edwardian mansions, while Central and Outer Richmond feature the prevalent Marina style home.

Described by one resident as, "a vibrant neighborhood walking distance to some of the city's hidden natural gems," the Richmond District offers an array of shops and restaurants, an outlet for outdoor exploration and a small town feel.

Housing Trends in 2013

It is far too early in the year to reach definitive conclusions regarding substantive changes in the market, but there are indications of a number of shifts. From the hurly burly on the street, the word is that the quantity of offers coming in on new listings is declining. Where a new listing might have attracted 10 or 12 offers last spring, 3 or 4 are coming in now; where 3 or 4 offers would have arrived, the seller is getting 1. And, according to Broker Metrics, for every 2 listings that accepted offers in December and January, another listing expired or was withdrawn without selling.

The amount of competition deeply affects home price increases.