Heklina Serves Liza Realness (and Tasty Food and Drink)

As a way to keep things going during the pandemic lockdown, our favorite drag cabaret, SF Oasis, has been doing food delivery with a curbside performance, called Meals on Heels. Over the summer, we did it a couple times, once with Heklina herself. (Heklina is one of the founders of Oasis, now retired and living in Palm Springs.) Here she is serving up Liza realness (as well as some tasty food and cocktails) on a brisk July evening.

Oasis has partially reopened, doing limited-capacity performances on their rooftop deck. You can still order Meals on Heels every Thursday and Friday. And be sure to watch current Oasis queen-in-chief D’Arcy Drollinger’s weekly news and gossip show on YouTube, Hot Trash.

LGBT, LifestyleSean Timberlake