10 Things to Do While Staying at Home


Maintaining social distance doesn’t mean you have to be bored. Here are a few suggestions to stay engaged, stay positive, and stay healthy. 


4. Have a Virtual Get Together

Physical distancing doesn’t have to mean total isolation. Thanks to teleconferencing tools like Zoom, BlueJeans, FaceTime and Skype, you can have virtual happy hours, brunches, dinners or just quick chats with anyone, be they next door or across the globe. It really helps to see other faces!

9. Go For a Walk + Look at Nature

You are allowed to go outside and get fresh air! Just keep your distance from others around you, and stick to your neighborhood. If you have to drive to a location to go on your walk, it’s too far.

We are fortunate that we live in a time when technology enables us to stay connected even when we are apart. Stay safe, and make the most of this time together.

LifestyleSean Timberlake